Thursday, 10 March 2016

Which of the Utopias would you rather live in? Compare and Contrast essay

Write an 8-10 page, double-spaced, 12 pt. type paper on the following topic:
Which of the utopias of Callenbach, Forrest, or Thomas would you rather live in? (None of the above is not an option.) Explain why. Do you know anyone who would prefer a different one? If so, explain why; if not, imagine someone who would prefer a different one, and explain why. Then, make suggestions as to how to make your preferred utopia even better, and what the objections to your changes would be. (If you think your preferred utopia could not be made better in any way, refute the objections someone might have to various elements of it.)

Provide detailed evaluations of why you think your preferred utopia is better than the others and why the other person thinks theirs is better, and what is wrong with the other utopias for both of you.

(Keep in mind that you are trying to show your familiarity with the texts, so make sure to give balanced coverage to the pros and cons of each of them.)

Citations should be in parentheses:
Callenbach refers to “destructive male attitudes” (91).
In Ecotopia they try to… (Callenbach 121).

The citations and proof for argument need to be from the 3 books below:
1. Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach
2. Katherine V. Forrest, Daughters of a Coral Dawn
(Alyson Books, 2002) 3-35, 73-96, 102-131, 148-149.
3. Scarlett Thomas, PopCo (Harcourt, 2005) 3-99, 194-255, 370-462.

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