Using at least two developmental theorists (i.e. Erickson, Piaget, Vygotsky, etc. but this is a minimum so more is better), write a paper describing your developmental journey through adolescence. Be sure to cover each developmental stage (i.e. autonomy vs. shame and doubt) through adolescence and insights from more than one theory.
Worth 25 points: (approximately 1 to 1 1/2 pages)
Biographical Sketch
In the first section of the paper, please give a brief biographical sketch of your developmental journey (please see my paper as an example and guide).
Worth 50 points: (approximately 4-5 pages)
Developmental Models Applied
In the second section of the paper (this should be the largest section) reflect on your own developmental journey through the lens of at least two developmental theorists (more is preferable). Please use Erickson as one of your theorists then you may choose others i.e. (Freud, Vygotsky, Bandura, Piaget, etc.). I find it is helpful to use multiple theorists, in addition to Erikson where they fit most appropriately i.e. Freud works well in the first three stages, as well as Bandura; for school age sections of the paper Vygotsky works well, etc.
Please note: you will cover each stage of Erikson through Identity vs. Role Confusion (stop here since we are only covering childhood development) then use a supplemental theorist for each stage as well (please see my paper as an example and guide). I highly recommend adding in a paragraph on attachment styles and parenting styles as this had a huge impact on your development, as well as how you form relationships today. It is also advantageous and insightful to look at topics like Kohlberg’s moral development and when appropriate, Fowler’s stages of faith.
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Do not forget this section:
Worth 25 points: (approximately 1 page)
Personal Reflection
In the third section of the paper you will write your personal reflection of your experience of this assignment. (This section should be at least two paragraphs long). In writing this paper, what type of stuff came up for you? Do you feel you resolved each crisis in the stages you examined? Are there any stages you still need to work through? (These are just suggested questions to ask yourself, you may also use your own).
I recommend using your book, the scanned handouts posted under Course Home, i.e., Erikson’s Developmental reference sheet, etc. as well as any online resources or journal articles that may shed light on your developmental journey.
Be clear, creative, and thoughtful in this assignment! Be sure to proof read your papers and make the appropriate corrections before you turn it in under the “Drop box” tab on D2L.
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