Friday, 11 March 2016

Community Problem and Population Analysis

Students will research a community need affecting a specific community that the student chooses. The assessment must include the neighborhood directly impacted by the need. Student will address the problem, population, and arena. Student must incorporate textbook course material and questions (1-8) in their paper."

1. Area/neighborhood being assessed? Tyler, Tx

2. What are the names of one agency already addressing the need?

3. What need(s) do they address? adult ed

4. What target population (demographics) do they serve?

5. What is their mission statement?

6. What activities or programs do they provide to meet the needs of their mission? Provide details of each program

7. How many people are on their staff?

8. What is the estimated annual budget of the agency?

Please use the website: LCOTYLER.ORG to answer the above.

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