Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Article Critique Instructions

Instructions for Writing: This assignment is meant to be a formal and scientific paper, therefore it should be free of grammatical mistakes, typos, and informal language. Students are encouraged to write their paper in a similar format to other published articles and can locate examples online through the library database. Students may also refer to the APA publication manual or Purdue OWL (link provided above) to ensure they are writing clearly and professionally. Students may wish to use the sub-headers Summary and Critique in their papers, but this should be formatted in APA style. The written content of the paper must include both the summary and critique, but the summary must not comprise more than 50% of the paper, i.e. if the total length is two full pages of writing, the summary should not take up more than the first page. Paper must include a title page and a references page compatible with APA style (please see the example APA style paper on Blackboard), however these pages do not count towards length requirement. The paper must address all of the points in the below rubric for full points. Additionally, plagiarism, high match rates and grammar errors can also contribute to reduction in points or a zero for the assignment and disciplinary action if warranted. Finally, students must upload a PDF of their article to the designated Turn-it-in folder. Students are encouraged to submit their paper to the writing center for help with language and grammar. If you need help with APA style, please use the above link, the APA manual, or seek help from the T.A. or instructor(1. Summary and 2. Critique). The summary must not comprise more than 50% of the paper.Rubric:

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 Uploaded a scientific peer-reviewed article: o Article must be empirical
o Article must be from approved journals
o Article must relate to a course topic  Correct APA Citations:
 Free of typos and contains proper grammar:
 Summary (Should not be more than half the paper)
o Describes the main topic and why it’s an issue: o Quicklysummarizeliterature:
o Described the main hypotheses:
o Described the sample in detail:
o Described measures and procedure:
 Discuss reliability and validity
o Briefly mention how data was analyzed
o Lists limitations as cited by the author:  Critique
o Offer a general conclusion about the article: o Critique specifics of the article
 Appropriate stats/ methodology used?
 Are results clear?
 Is the interpretation appropriate?
 Are the generalizations consistent with results?
 What about uncontrolled or confounding variables?
o List 2 strengths of the study:
o List 2 additional limitations:
o Explain what might be done in future research o How can the field address the limitations?
Total Points:
5 points
5 points 5 points
2 points 2 points 2 points 3 points 3 points
2 points 2 points
2 points 5 points
4 points 4 points 2 points 2 points
50 points

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