As we continue to draw nearer the upcoming 2016 U.S presidential election, a number of issues of national significance are increasingly discussed and debated by the candidates on the campaign trail as well as in the national media—including (but by no means limited to):
• Federal defense spending and the military budget
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For this essay, you will do the following:
1. Select one such issue from the above topic and explore.
2. Formulate a relatively specific research question/topic.
3. Conduct focused, in-depth research on that topic.
4. Identify a specific, significant, and compelling thesis/argument on that topic.
5. Write a five-page essay in which you thoroughly develop and support that argument, incorporating material gained during the course of your research from no fewer than five fully and properly acknowledged sources appropriate for academic research/writing….
Thesis and Argument
Make sure that your thesis meets the following conditions:
• It should be a genuinely arguable claim—that is, that you are neither engaging in a purely informative presentation of essentially factual material, nor relying on mere personal opinion or a fundamentally subjective evaluation.,
• It should be specific and precise.
• It should be genuinely significant and compelling.
In developing your argument, you should follow a basic Toulmin model:
Your thesis should be supported through:
1. two to three major supporting claims (which may take the form of specific reasons that the thesis should be accepted),
2. sufficiently demonstrated by strong, compelling grounds
3. that are clearly and logically connected to the claims through a clear warrant,
4. with additional backing as needed or desired.
5. You must further do either of the following two things:
• present a counterclaim that you effectively overcome through a convincing rebuttal; or
• make a concession that you use as the basis for a qualifier for your argument.
Acknowledgment (MLA)
Any/all material derived from any external source—in the form of quotation, paraphrase, and/or summary—must be fully and properly acknowledged in accordance with the conventions of MLA, using
1. correctly formatted in-text parenthetical citations and
2. complete, correctly formatted bibliographic/reference entries in a properly formatted list of works cited.
General Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria
In addition to adhering to the specific guidelines/requirements outlined above, a successful essay will meet the following conditions:
1. It should be clearly structured, logically organized, and well-paragraphed.
2. Is should be clearly written in a readable and mature style that adheres to the conventions of standard American English (including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar, mechanics, and other conventions of usage) with a minimum of grammatical, mechanical, or other errors.
3. Is should be correctly/properly formatted according to the specifications outlined in the course syllabus.
4. It should meet the minimum required length of five full, correctly-formatted pages (and not greatly exceed six full, correctly-formatted pages).
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