Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Evaluative Analysis of those Winter Sundays

The portable 11th edition of The Norton Introduction to Literature by Kelly J.Mays, provides some excellent tools and guides for not only reading about and understanding poetry, but also for analyzing poems and writing about them. In her major section on "Responding to Poetry" (466-474) Kelly Mays outlines "Steps to Follow, Questions to Ask, and Sample Reading Notes" and follows up with brief advice on "Writing about Poetry" (474-475)
Kelly Mays also provides excellent explanations to different aspects of poetry in the introductions to each poetry section chapter: Speaker(483 and following), Situation and Setting (501 and following), Theme and Tone(527 and following), Language (544 and following), Imagery and Figures of Speech (560 and following), Symbol (573 and following), Sounds (586 and following), Internal Structure (611 and following), and External Form (632).
Using these resources provided by Kelly J.Mays, write an evaluative analysis of Those Winter Sundays poem. FOCUS on those elements of a poem which are most significant to an understanding of what makes it successful as a poem.
Do speaker, drama, symbol, and tone best explain its success?
Or perhaps situation, setting, rhythm, and sounds are the most significant elements.
Maybe its form (such as a sonnet) or compelling and memorable images are important considerations.

Select four poetic elements that are key to poem's success and analyze those in essay, explicating and demonstrating what makes it a good poem.

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