Thursday, 31 March 2016

Brand positioning and values

The Course Project: A Professional Application
A list of the 100 Best Global Brands each year is released each year. Click here for the 2014 list. Sort the list by "Country of Origin." Select a brand with the United States as the country of origin. This brand will become the competition for a fictional brand you create in a later unit, which will be used throughout this course.
If your brand represents a large number of products or services, it will be necessary to select one major business or product line for the assignment. If you have questions regarding the choices, please contact your instructor by Thursday of this week so that you will have enough time to complete the week's project.
Part 1: Competitor Selection
Using articles from the library's full-text databases and the company's Web site, introduce the brand.
•Provide an analysis of its marketing mix (products, price, distribution, and promotion).
•This section of the paper should be 1 page in length and use research from the library's full-text databases and the company's Web site.
Part 2: Brand Background
Using a variety of sources, including the company's Web site, provide an overview of how the products or services are marketed, branded, and sold by the company.
•Identify all brand elements (logos, slogans, symbols, trademarks, characters, and packaging)
•Profile 2 direct or indirect competitive brands for points of parity and difference.
•This section of the paper should be 2 pages in length and use research from a variety of sources including the company's Web site.
Part 3: Primary Research
Perform primary buyer-behavior research about the brand. Develop a focus group (at least 5 people) or survey (of at least 10) that will elicit consumer perceptions of the target brand as compared to the 2 competitors from Part 2.
•Describe the data collection process.
•Include the survey or focus group questions (with appropriate respondent demographics).
•Share the results in tabular format, and explain them.
•Analyze the results, and apply them to the research completed in Parts 1 and 2 of this project.
•This section of the paper should be 3–4 pages in length.

Your assignment should contain a cover page, an abstract page, and a reference page, in addition to the body paragraphs. The body of the paper should be 6–7 pages in length, starting with a brief 1-paragraph introduction and ending with a short conclusion. The entire submission will be 9–12 pages in length.
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Paper Outline/Research Proposal

This outline is about making up a research experiment that has not been studied in Psychology of the Arts. Need to google or search topics of research experiments that has not been studied in the field of Psychology of the Arts. This is one page. These questions need to be answered for the paper outline
1) What is the big picture question?
2) What specific question will your study answer?
3) What is independent variable(s)?
4) What is the dependent variable(s)?
5) What do you hypothesize?

Then after these questions have been answered, need to use the QuALMRI template in order to create a research proposal. This is one page. I will provide the QuALMRI template that needs to be filled in and files on instructions on how to answer each question on the template. Need to say what kind of statistical tests will be used or how the results will be analyzed. For example t-test, ANOVA test, and etc.
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Symbolism in The Conquerer Worm by Edgar Allan Poe

Choose ONE of the following literally elements and discuss how it is used in The Conquerer Worm by Edgar Allan Poe: irony, character, point of view, theme, foreshadowing, symbolism, Modernism, Romanticism, Naturalism. Be sure to define the term you are writing about and the poem you are using, and support your argument with examples from the text. You may use outside sources to support your argument, be sure to cite all works used in your paper.

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The Revolution and the Constitutional

How did the question of slavery emerge as a national issue
by the time of the Revolution and the Constitutional Convention.
Ultimately, how did the Constitution deal with the question of
slavery? Do you find this to be an effective solution? Why/why not?

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Any kind of advertiser

Choose any advertiser on the internet, and then use the Toulmin Analysis to write 4 pages about it. One source (where did you find the advertiser, what website) and attach the picture of the advertiser on the last page. Follow the instructions (grammar check and no plagiarism) :
Toulmin Analysis

- 4 pages, one source (where you find the ad., website), attach the advertiser picture at the end.
- 1st paragraph: Give some background about ad. Where is the claim?
Ex: the author wants me to believe that…… Is it explicit or implicit?
- 2nd paragraph: What is the support? Ex: the author wants me to believe that…[claim]….because….[support]…. ( look for reason {sub-claim}, specific support {fact, examples,etc.})
- 3th paragraph: What are the warrant? Ask what does the author value or believe regarding the claim? Are the value/ believe stated or implied? Do I agree or disagree with them? Warrant link the claim and the support.
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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

U.S 2016 Presidential Election Issues - Federal Defense Spending and Military Budget

As we continue to draw nearer the upcoming 2016 U.S presidential election, a number of issues of national significance are increasingly discussed and debated by the candidates on the campaign trail as well as in the national media—including (but by no means limited to):

• Federal defense spending and the military budget

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For this essay, you will do the following:
1. Select one such issue from the above topic and explore.
2. Formulate a relatively specific research question/topic.
3. Conduct focused, in-depth research on that topic.
4. Identify a specific, significant, and compelling thesis/argument on that topic.
5. Write a five-page essay in which you thoroughly develop and support that argument, incorporating material gained during the course of your research from no fewer than five fully and properly acknowledged sources appropriate for academic research/writing….

Thesis and Argument
Make sure that your thesis meets the following conditions:
• It should be a genuinely arguable claim—that is, that you are neither engaging in a purely informative presentation of essentially factual material, nor relying on mere personal opinion or a fundamentally subjective evaluation.,
• It should be specific and precise.
• It should be genuinely significant and compelling.

In developing your argument, you should follow a basic Toulmin model:
Your thesis should be supported through:
1. two to three major supporting claims (which may take the form of specific reasons that the thesis should be accepted),
2. sufficiently demonstrated by strong, compelling grounds
3. that are clearly and logically connected to the claims through a clear warrant,
4. with additional backing as needed or desired.
5. You must further do either of the following two things:
• present a counterclaim that you effectively overcome through a convincing rebuttal; or
• make a concession that you use as the basis for a qualifier for your argument.

Acknowledgment (MLA)

Any/all material derived from any external source—in the form of quotation, paraphrase, and/or summary—must be fully and properly acknowledged in accordance with the conventions of MLA, using
1. correctly formatted in-text parenthetical citations and
2. complete, correctly formatted bibliographic/reference entries in a properly formatted list of works cited.

General Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

In addition to adhering to the specific guidelines/requirements outlined above, a successful essay will meet the following conditions:
1. It should be clearly structured, logically organized, and well-paragraphed.
2. Is should be clearly written in a readable and mature style that adheres to the conventions of standard American English (including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar, mechanics, and other conventions of usage) with a minimum of grammatical, mechanical, or other errors.
3. Is should be correctly/properly formatted according to the specifications outlined in the course syllabus.
4. It should meet the minimum required length of five full, correctly-formatted pages (and not greatly exceed six full, correctly-formatted pages).

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Child Developmental Journey Assignment

Each paper should be at least 5 pages no more than 8. Please use the format described in your syllabus.

Using at least two developmental theorists (i.e. Erickson, Piaget, Vygotsky, etc. but this is a minimum so more is better), write a paper describing your developmental journey through adolescence. Be sure to cover each developmental stage (i.e. autonomy vs. shame and doubt) through adolescence and insights from more than one theory.

Worth 25 points: (approximately 1 to 1 1/2 pages)
Biographical Sketch
In the first section of the paper, please give a brief biographical sketch of your developmental journey (please see my paper as an example and guide).

Worth 50 points: (approximately 4-5 pages)
Developmental Models Applied
In the second section of the paper (this should be the largest section) reflect on your own developmental journey through the lens of at least two developmental theorists (more is preferable). Please use Erickson as one of your theorists then you may choose others i.e. (Freud, Vygotsky, Bandura, Piaget, etc.). I find it is helpful to use multiple theorists, in addition to Erikson where they fit most appropriately i.e. Freud works well in the first three stages, as well as Bandura; for school age sections of the paper Vygotsky works well, etc.

Please note: you will cover each stage of Erikson through Identity vs. Role Confusion (stop here since we are only covering childhood development) then use a supplemental theorist for each stage as well (please see my paper as an example and guide). I highly recommend adding in a paragraph on attachment styles and parenting styles as this had a huge impact on your development, as well as how you form relationships today. It is also advantageous and insightful to look at topics like Kohlberg’s moral development and when appropriate, Fowler’s stages of faith.

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Do not forget this section:
Worth 25 points: (approximately 1 page)
Personal Reflection
In the third section of the paper you will write your personal reflection of your experience of this assignment.  (This section should be at least two paragraphs long). In writing this paper, what type of stuff came up for you? Do you feel you resolved each crisis in the stages you examined? Are there any stages you still need to work through? (These are just suggested questions to ask yourself, you may also use your own).

I recommend using your book, the scanned handouts posted under Course Home, i.e., Erikson’s Developmental reference sheet, etc. as well as any online resources or journal articles that may shed light on your developmental journey.

Be clear, creative, and thoughtful in this assignment! Be sure to proof read your papers and make the appropriate corrections before you turn it in under the “Drop box” tab on D2L.

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Breastfeeding: Positive Effects on Human Capital Worldwide

A 5-6 page research paper based on three resources I found. I will attach them below. Professor didn't give any instruction of this paper except annotated bibliography and outline. I will attach them below as well. Professor didn't like my outline, so you can arrange the paper yourself. The textbook is Berk, L. E. (2014). Exploring Lifespan Development (3rd edition). Pearson: Boston, MA.
Need a introduction and conclusion .

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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Civil Rights

In this module we focus on civil rights and issues of social justice. We discovered that following the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr., widened his concerns beyond civil rights to the address the Vietnam War and the issue of poverty in America. King's assassination in 1968 called into question among many blacks the very principle of nonviolence that he had long espoused and practiced. And despite King's death, the legacy remained. This legacy became increasingly evident in the emerging civil rights activism of Latinos, Native Americans, and feminists.

Why do you think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was significant? Provide a specific example or evidence that supports your observation.

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International Business Plan

Students will submit a six page business proposal to their "management team" on whether or not they recommend doing business with a particular foreign country (we will ignore industry specific info). Choose a country. Research many items to assist with determining if their organization should do business with the country. Items to be research include but not limited to: Population, median age, average income, transportation capabilities, political climate, weather, education system, financial stability, labor laws, environmental laws, opportunities for market, natural resources, etc. Respond to each of your research items with what effect that will have on business activities/performance. Strong summary and recommendation is required. Final paper will be evaluated based on the case study rubric at the end of this syllabus. A minimum of five (5) external references must be included. Title page and reference page are required but will not be considered as part of the 6 page final paper.

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Hurricane Katrina Case Study

Answer the following questions in a narrative format. The instructor is looking for your understanding of the topic information and not for quick short answers. Use and cite outside resources to back up your points.
1.The preparations by Federal, State, and local officials before Hurricane Katrina made landfall were inadequate. List and discuss several reasons that all of these governments were unprepared even though they all new a Category 4 or 5 Hurricane would be disastrous for New Orleans.
2.New Orleans had a large number of residents who lived below the poverty line (28%) and who were disabled (24%). Both of these categories were higher than the national average. Do research and discuss why there were no plans to evacuation. Where these populations just left to fend for their own?
3.Federal, State, and local officials were overwhelmed during the post storm response and recovery efforts. Discuss the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in response to Hurricane Katrina

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Baptism Debate

Must use 10 scholar sources, cited and with bibliography. Conclude with a position (even if tentative) regarding the theological issue investigated, but also to interact with the content and arguments for and against the positions that entail all sides of the issue. In other words, it must interact with and respond to opposing views, as well as seriously consider the strengths and weaknesses of your position. This paper, must work with the biblical text and interact with theological and exegetical arguments used to support all sides of the issue, but nevertheless come to conclusions based upon the strength of the arguments being studied. Primary sources written by proponents of the positions being espoused. Do not exclusively use secondary sources that summarize the content of a position. Instead, be sure to use sources that argue in support of a position. What is the purpose and what are the merits of baptism? Should baptism be for believers only or for infants as well? What mode of baptism is biblical?

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Social Organized Crime Perspective Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you discuss and explain the term social institution, as it applies to organized crime. Which empirical and speculative theories are most applicable when applied to organized crime and criminal behavior? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

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Usability of Electronic Medical Record

1. Introduction: 1-2 pages.
Why/How usability important for EMR/EHR. i.e. why/ How important is EMR/EHR Usability. For example, (adoption of EMR, meaningful use of EMR, etc…)
Impact of usability of EMR/EHR.
Advantages of usability of EMR/EHR.
2. Definition of Usability 5-7 or 8 pages. (Concept Definition of usability).
Start why this concept/ term hard to define. Half page.
Literature review on defining this concept. “Focus on nursing resources. “Using popular database such as CINHAL, WebMed, etc.. How this concept “Usability” evolved, coined, the first time define, used, how it’s developed through years, the recent definition, etc.
Attributes of usability. 1-2 pages.
3. Relationship Between Usability & User experience. 1-2 pages.

EMR=Electronic Medical Record or EHR= Electronic Health Record, it does not matter.
Make sure to cite your writing.
If you find nursing resources will be great, specifically on the definition of usability.

Business case and IS strategy for Ryanair's

The task in general about this “Business Case & Strategic Framework: What is the business case for the Innovation Strategy? Capture the innovation strategy using a suitable strategic models focusing on competitive positioning and competitive advantage (i.e. Industry analysis, (virtual) value chain analysis, data strategies, customer life cycle analysis, business model canvas, etc.)”

However, I chose Ryainar Airline as case, the task would describe why the mobile app would be useful for Ryanair's business model using references, supporting that with a business models and diagrams (E.G a SWOT analysis of Ryanair, PEST analysis of the industry, business model canvas for the app etc) please choose the most appropriate analysis models for the task.

Short story Antlers by Rick Bass analysis

"Your essay is a 1000 word (about four pages) analysis of “Antlers” that explores a unique point of view. You are arguing about a specific idea that the reader may not have thought of and urging the reader to understand and agree with you. You may focus on characters [compare and contrast two], tone, or subject-matter [theme] The claim must be narrow and specific, which you develop with evidence in the body of your essay . (Choosing a wide or general theme is not a good idea, because it forces you to state the obvious.) Your paper must have a clear thesis stated early [review LW material and your textbook, if you need to refresh your understanding of thesis], evidence and reasoning to support it throughout the body of the essay, and analysis of the significance of this reading to an understanding of the story. "

Saturday, 26 March 2016


Write a 6-8 page first draft of your paper, including the following:

Title page: Provide the title of the paper, your name, and the course and section
Introduction: Grab attention, relate importance to health and aging, and present a focused thesis statement
Body: Identify and develop each main point in an organized, clear manner, using in-text citations. Discuss possible solutions to the issue.
Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with a brief summary of your main points.
Reference list:

Friday, 25 March 2016

Environment management

1. Critically evaluate any two analytical tools then choosing the most appropriate (half the assessment),
2. examine at least one key issue affecting the management environment of a country, concluding by pointing a way ahead. As an appendix, a 150 word analysis of your last assignment feedback; compare and contrast, agree or disagree, state how you can improve, no need for any theory in this appendix

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Nursing Quantitative Primary Research Article Critique

Critique a nursing quantitative primary research article. This assignment will demonstrate your knowledge of the nursing research process by critiquing published research articles in a systematic manner. The assignment will show your understanding of the components of research and the procedures necessary to implement the research process.

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First Productivity and Management Paper

Instructions for First Productivity and Management Paper

Objective: Public administrators need to be able to ensure high levels of productivity from the people who work for them.  To do this well they must be good leaders in order to influence positive change in difficult situations.

Stage 1 Steps: Choose a leader from a public agency for the paper.

Do NOT choose a politician, but rather a public manager.

Describe the agency that the public manager is in charge of.

Provide background and history of the leader you are studying.

Stage 2 Steps: Focus on a particular crisis or problem for the leader.
Clear choice of crisis/problem with Professor Nemeth –
Deadline in Syllabus

Describe the problem you have chosen facing the leader and agency.

Discuss how the leader handled the problem.

Explain the type of leadership you think the leader displayed using
concepts from Northouse.  You can include more than one type of
leadership approach to carry out your analysis.

Explain the strengths and weaknesses of his/her approach to leadership.

How does the person’s leadership approach account for success or failure
in handling the crisis?

Requirements:  The paper must be a minimum of 10 pages, lines are to be double spaced and words should appear in 12 point Times New Roman font.  Your paper should be appropriately cited throughout using APA format.  Pay close attention to grammar, spelling and usage.  Also rely heavily on Northouse to guide your analysis.

Describe the problem you have chosen facing the leader and agency. And discuss how the leader handled the problem.

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Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Assignment 3: Week 3: Term Project Part 1 – Outline

Assignment Instructions
Assignment 3: Week 3: Term Project Part 1 – Outline
Select a topic that relates to any one of the learning objectives found in the syllabus for Mission Support Contracting. You can do research upon an existing program or a completed program or contract.
Write an outline of your research topic paper. This outline can follow the following format as far as section headings. But you do not have to follow it. You can add more sections. But there must be at least four sections highlighted by * and section titles. Include at least 100 words per section that you use.
This outline is the one that will be developed in stages over the next few weeks leading to the final research paper.

Literature Review*
Future Research Recommendation

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Indigenous folk music of the Sufi Arabs

How the music is used in an Islamic sector. I need a systematic research topic and strictly focus on matter related to non western music cultures.
the order still stands that I would need a descriptive and analytical discussion of the significance of music and how music is used within the Islamic sector. I also need to discuss how music is such a tradition with this culture and i have to strictly focus on non western music cultures and its relation to the Sufi Arabs

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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

The Effects of Abortions on Subsequent Pregnancies

1. Title
2. Motivation for the research
o Give context for your research question(s): why is this an important area to study?
o Provide references to the peer-reviewed scientific literature and if appropriate, policy documents.
3. Overall research question
o What do you want to find out?
o What specific questions or hypotheses will you test in order to answer the overall question (be explicit about what these are)?
o What is the state of scientific knowledge in this area, and how will your research question advance that knowledge?
4. Approach (methods, e.g. field experiments, economic surveys, meta-analysis of existing data, that you will employ to test the hypotheses laid out in part 3)
o What will you do to answer the overall research question?
o What data will you collect? Where will you do the research?
o What equipment or technical resources will you need?
o How long will the research take?
o How will you analyze and interpret your data?
5. Anticipated results (based on your knowledge of related and previously conducted research in this area)
o What do you predict that the results of your experiments, surveys, etc. will yield in terms of data? Why?
6. Significance of the proposed research (to the scientific community and society)
o Why are you excited about the proposed research, and why should the reader be as well?
o How does the proposed research relate to what has already been done in this area?
7. Literature cited

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Sunday, 20 March 2016

Psychology assignment

The assignment is to type a summary of the article. ( summary should be one page longth). As part of your reaction to the article your role is to pretend you are a researcher and recreate the study using your own variables in the study. Reaction question should be include; Did the result of the study surprise you?What would you as a researcher do to improve the study? Why did this article interest you? Can you share any personal experiences in which can you relate to the article? ( 1 page summary and 3 page including your answer to the reaction question.

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Thursday, 17 March 2016

Community Service

Section I: Description of Community Service( 600 words); Section II: Analysis of Community Service (600 words) For the first page of your Sections I and II report, please submit a title page, including a word count for Sections I and II. Section I: Description of Your Community Service Include the name of the non-profit organization; its history; its purpose; how it operates; the people with whom you had contact; how you contributed by volunteering at this organization; and how and if you were supervised and by whom. The word count guideline for this section is about 600 words. APA style is required for in-text citations and reference page. Section II: Analysis of Your Community Service Discuss your impressions, thoughts, and feelings about your experience as a volunteer in your chosen area. Did it meet your expectations and preconceived notions? How did you change from this experience? Self-analysis is a part of learning about psychology. Thus, analyze your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes about this community service experience and analyze why you think you were affected in that way. What personal assumptions, values, and perspectives did you have regarding the non-profit you chose that were challenged during your service? Also, provide some insights into your own functioning and abilities in your community service setting. Analyze why you felt (for example) competent, incompetent, comfortable, successful, useful, empathetic, etc. The word count guideline for this section is about 600 words. 

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LAN vs WAN what are the differences

Networks can be categorized according to their geography and size by Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks. What we mean by Local Area Network? What we mean by Wide Area Network? What are the differences between the two?
Topology is the term that is used to describe how devices are connected and how messages flow from device to device. Describe common physical topologies and a logical topology.

Explain fundamental networking concepts, components, and functions.

Describe network topologies, standards, and protocols.

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Conservation of Metals from Marine Archaeological Sites

Abstract: With any metal, we will take the preliminary steps of documentation, pre-treatment storage, mechanical cleaning, and evaluation. Then the treatment shall be implemented, followed by the rinsing, drying, sealing, storage, and occasional inspection of the artifact. Some of the methods for treatment include: galvanic cleaning, electrolytic reduction, and chemical rinses and treatments. The conservation treatments specific to iron, non-ferrous metals, cupreous metals, silver, lead, and tin will be covered. While this paper focuses on the conservation of archaeological metals recovered from marine environments, it should be noted that any of the methods of conservation mentioned can be used on metals recovered from terrestrial environments as well.
2,000 words/8 double-spaced pages, 12 pt Times New Roman, 1 inch margins. Use American Journal of Archaeology (AJA) reference and paper style (even though I put APA): download a copy of the style instructions here ( Note that this format does not use in-text citations, but footnotes instead (please adhere to the guidelines provided on the AJA website). The abstract can be expanded upon as needed. The references are provided, but can be added to as well.

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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Internal process

Internal processes of a company contribute to the company's overall effectiveness. Identifying ways to improve internal processes helps build a highly efficient organization. Root causes need to be identified. Methods to identify root causes may require substantial analysis or be apparent based on a major problem within the organization.
For example, review the assigned article, "Inside Chipotle's Contamination Crisis: Smugness and Happy Talk About Sustainability Aren't Working Anymore," from Bloomberg Businessweek. Research several other sources regarding Chipotle's food contamination crisis. Create a flowchart of the original supply chain and how Chipotle supplies each of the restaurant chains. Provide your own commentary. Create another flowchart that suggests a new way to supply the restaurant chains.
Review another restaurant chain that does not currently have a major public problem but would benefit from evaluating its manufacturing process to improve competitiveness. Specifically, provide recommendations on how to improve the company's current supply chain. Create a flowchart to illustrate your recommendations. Provide a summary of how you came to your recommendations. Include any formal strategies and informal thought processes you used to reach your conclusions. Provide rationale for either using or not using Six Sigma methodology, ISO quality benchmarking, lean supply chain processes, or TQM.
Submit all three flowcharts and commentary for each flowchart in a single document. Provide three to five resources to support your response.

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The American Farmer

Readers have been interested in de Crevecoeur's writings as a documentation of life in America at that time and as an idea of what being an American is all about. More recently, readers have also considered his work an examination of the whole human experience. Discuss your thoughts and reactions to de Crevecoeur's "Letters from an American Farmer" on any element that speaks to you and, also, specifically in terms of what it meant, and means today, to be an American.

Submission Instructions:
Your initial discussion should be at least 200 words. It must include MLA citations – both in-text and an end citation. Please also respond to a minimum of two of your classmates' initial posts and bring together pieces of the discussion and take those ideas further. These responses should be at least 150 words.

As you may know from the attached rubric, students are expected to post on three separate days each week for average credit. During the week, read the messages posted by your instructor and classmates and join the discussion. Your instructor may ask questions, provide explanations, and include links to other resources.

To earn a higher grade on each week's discussion, students are expected to post more frequently. To sum up: posting three times in a week will earn a grade of a C. Four posts of high quality according to the rubric will earn a B, and five high quality posts according to the rubric earn an A. Again, please check the rubric for details on this.

Remember, the Forums are our place for classroom discussion.
Letters from an American farmer, by J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur, reprinted from the original ed., with a prefatory note by W. P. Trent and an introduction by Ludwig Lewisohn. New York, Fox, Duffield, 1904.

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Supply integration

Supply chain integration is a major contributing factor to organizational success. The goal of supply chain integration is alignment within the supply chain. As a business leader, how can you achieve greater supply chain integration with suppliers and customers?
Amazon is a prime example of a company that has successfully managed its supply chain to achieve growth and profitability. Research the progression of Amazon's supply chain integration. Write a 1,000-1,250-word paper that address the following questions:
How do sales and operations planning in supply chain integration impact the company overall? What would Amazon's medium- and long-term forecast inform the operations management department? How do logistics, transportation modes, and warehouse locations impact Amazon's competitiveness?
How does global sourcing and procurement impact the overall effectiveness of the supply chain? What are the benefits and challenges that have occurred when outsourcing logistic and other functions?
How has Amazon successfully leveraged e-commerce strategies to promote supply chain integration and boost sales and growth for the organization? Which strategies have been particularly effective and why?
Do you feel that Amazon sets an example for other companies to model regarding supply chain integration? Be sure to explain your rationale. Consider the ethical implications in your response.
Incorporate five to seven resources to support your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

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Obligations in Private Law

 There is a citation guide for the assignment that is attached as a file.
Answer 2 of the 3 provided questions.
each answer should be around 4 pages.
Double spaced, times new roman, 12pts.
In answering each question, students are instructed to demonstrate knowledge of, and apply, the appropriate legal principles, critical legal analyses, and relevant cases as covered in lectures and assigned readings.
Each question focuses on different themes, legal principles, and materials. Students may draw on any assigned readings, lectures, or notes on media shown in class. Outside sources are neither required, nor permitted.
I will upload the weekly readings that are assigned for the class which are important for the essay and information should be

Assignment sheet is also attached. Please go through the documents and let me know if you need any clarification

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Sustainability town-modernisation in global context

Sustainability town-modernisation in global context based on these 3 factors. Energy, Water, and Waste.
What is the contributing factors for countries to create eco towns (2 countries)
What initiatives are the government of countries using, give examples. (2 countries)
Does climate change affect the choice of methods used in Singapore context compared with other countries, why? Climate differences? Explain.

Comprehensive comparison on the feasibility to implement other countries initiatives not used by Singapore within Singapore climate.

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Introduce ecological fallacy

Write a short article to introduce ecological fallacy and discuss how ecological correlation might be incorrectly interpreted. Take one example from the "age-at-marriage" paper to discuss potential problems in the authors' interpretation of the results. Your intended readers are social science researchers. Your goal is to inform the readers of the potential risks in drawing inferences about individuals based on aggregated level data. Your article should not exceed two pages but tables and/or figures do not count towards the page limit.

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Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

Assignment 2. Question 2: Using either Porter’s generic strategies or the Strategy Clock, identify examples of organisations following strategies of differentiation, low cost or low price, and stuck-in-the middle or hybrid. How successful are these strategies?
Possible structure: Introduction
Definition of Porter's generic strategies
Examples of organisations following different strategies (apply porter's generic strategies)
Discussion how successful they are: profitability, sales, etc.
What are the pros and cons of each strategy

If you think you can use different
Use different examples, from case study I provided you with and other sources

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Big Bang Implementation Case Study

Review the Westinghouse case study of Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm.

Assume you are an IT consultant hired to assess whether a Big Bang implementation strategy is viable. Craft a 500-word report to Westinghouse senior management with your assessment. Include costs, benefits, and risks.

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Virtual Middle Childhood Critical Thinking Questions

For each of the questions below, answer as concisely but as thoroughly as you can. Each question is worth 20 points. Please copy and paste the question and number each of your answers. 10 points will be deducted for papers that are not of college level writing standards (correct spelling, punctuation, syntax and grammar). Please proofread and edit your work. Quality papers that cover all questions and material requested are generally approximately 2 to 3 pages in length, 12 point font, single spaced.
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Each answer must include information from the textbook, lecture materials or other sources in order to back up your analysis of your child’s development or your parenting practices. Indicate the support information in bold text and be sure to include the page number reference in your answer.
• Is your virtual child likely to have any health problems during middle childhood? If your child does not have any health problems, to what do you attribute this? How has your culture influenced your child’s health? (8 points for describing health problems or lack of, 8 points – discusses culture and its influence on child’s health, 4 points for textbook support).
• How might your child's development have been different if s/he was raised by people with a different socioeconomic, ethnic or cultural background? Base your answer on specific evidence of SES/cultural differences from the textbook and class material. (15 points for discussing your child’s development if s/he was raised in different SES or culture, 5 points for textbook support).
• How well is your child adapting to social situations in the home and outside the home? Does your child have any behavior or emotional problems at this point? Why do you think these problems are occurring and what are you doing about them? (8 points for discussion of social life outside of home and/or behavior or emotional problems, 8 points for discussion of why and what you are doing about it, 4 points text support).

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• Describe changes in your child’s academic skills between ages 6 and 10 and assess how well these skills are developing. If your child has any problems that affect school work, such as dyslexia, ADHD, or low levels of verbal, mathematical/scientific or spatial ability. Describe these problems and explain what you and the teachers are doing about them. The 5th grade report card will be useful for this but you should also incorporate your own observations. If your child doesn’t have any academic difficulties, describe what you are doing any way to help your child do well in math/science and literacy (reading, writing and communicating). (8 points for discussion of changes in academic skills, 8 points for discussion of difficulties, if no difficulties what you are doing to assist child, 4 points for textbook support).
• Using your textbook and class material identify two different theories or theorists who have influenced your parenting style (e/g/ social learning, Bowlby, Ainsworth, Piaget, Behaviorism, Vygotsky, Bronfenbenner, Erikson). For each theorist you have cited, give a specific example of a parenting decision you made based on the theorist’s view of child development. Be sure to state how the theory informed your parenting decision. (2 points for identifying 2 theorists, 5 points for parenting decision #1, 5 points for parenting decision #2, 8 points for discussing how each theory informed your decision).

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Grading Rubric
Answer component
Your points
1aDescribe health problems or lack of
1b. Discuss culture and its influence on child’s health
1c. Answer includes text support
2a. Discuss how child’s development might be different if raised in different SES or culture
2b. textbook support
3a. Discussion of social life outside of home and/or behavior or emotional problems
3b.Discussion of why and what you are doing about it
3c. Answer includes text support
4a. Discussion of changes in academic skills from ages 6-8
4b. Discussion of difficulties and/or ways you are assisting your child
4c. Textbook support
5a. Identifies 2 theorists
5b. Parenting decision example #1
5c. Parenting decision example #2
5d. Discussing how each theory informed your decision

The book is called Infants, Children & Adolescents .

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Human factors in engineering failures

Discuss, using examples, how the results of accident investigations are used by engineers, not only to reduce the likelihood of recurrence, but to further improve designs.
Analyse critically the steps that have been taken to investigate each of the examples and to publicise the outcome of the investigation, and draw conclusions on how the design, manufacture, operation and development of engineering artifacts have been influenced over the course of time by experience of accidents, incidents and disasters

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Evaluative Analysis of those Winter Sundays

The portable 11th edition of The Norton Introduction to Literature by Kelly J.Mays, provides some excellent tools and guides for not only reading about and understanding poetry, but also for analyzing poems and writing about them. In her major section on "Responding to Poetry" (466-474) Kelly Mays outlines "Steps to Follow, Questions to Ask, and Sample Reading Notes" and follows up with brief advice on "Writing about Poetry" (474-475)
Kelly Mays also provides excellent explanations to different aspects of poetry in the introductions to each poetry section chapter: Speaker(483 and following), Situation and Setting (501 and following), Theme and Tone(527 and following), Language (544 and following), Imagery and Figures of Speech (560 and following), Symbol (573 and following), Sounds (586 and following), Internal Structure (611 and following), and External Form (632).
Using these resources provided by Kelly J.Mays, write an evaluative analysis of Those Winter Sundays poem. FOCUS on those elements of a poem which are most significant to an understanding of what makes it successful as a poem.
Do speaker, drama, symbol, and tone best explain its success?
Or perhaps situation, setting, rhythm, and sounds are the most significant elements.
Maybe its form (such as a sonnet) or compelling and memorable images are important considerations.

Select four poetic elements that are key to poem's success and analyze those in essay, explicating and demonstrating what makes it a good poem.

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Monday, 14 March 2016

Comparing and Analysing

Basically you will need to read these two articles and write an essay of minimum 1000 words, comparing the effectiveness of the authors' approaches to the discussed issue. Your thesis will be a claim of value--you will need to determine which of the two authors makes a more convincing case, and in the body of your paper you will provide support for your claim. As you did in the first essay, you will be analysing all of the both authors' rhetorical strategies, paying particularly close attention to the types of support they each use.
*please use POINT-BY-POINT COMPARISON to write this essay.
*Use total of 10 quotations from two articles, which means use 10 references from these two articles.

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Advanced Nurse Practice Role

The nurse administrator is an advanced practice role in nursing, and as such has very distinctive competencies. In addition to basic administrative skills, there are advanced administrative skills that can be acquired in this role:
Gathering information from current literature (your choice), and/or the American Organization of Nurse Executive Competencies, and/or the American Nurses Credentialing Center outline of competencies for nurse managers, compare and contrast the differences between the role of nurse manager, nurse administrator, and nurse executive. Please provide references to the sources that you choose to use.
URLs to assist you in answering this question:

ANCC for Nurse Managers
AONE for Nurse Administrators/Executives
Nurse Administrator/Manager

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Two questions to be answered separately

1. Consider the following paraphrase of an argument from Hume’s character Philo in the Dialogues:
“All our knowledge about matters of fact comes from sense experience. God is not an object of sense experience, nor can we establish the existence of God through some chain of inference from sense experience (for example, through a design argument). Therefore, there is no basis for belief in God.”
In response to this Humean argument, what would Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Schleiermacher each say about the basis for belief in God? How are their responses similar and how do they differ?

2. In Philosophical Fragments Soren Kierkegaard (as Johannes Climacus) conducts a thought experiment exploring the distinctive role of Christ in the Christian faith. First, briefly explain the knower’s paradox, and describe his account of the “Socratic model” for the relation of teacher and learner. Second, explain the way Kierkegaard constructs an alternative model in which the teacher has decisive (unsubstitutable) significance for the learner. Third, apply Kierkegaard’s analysis of these two models either to Kant’s understanding of true moral religion or to Schleiermacher’s understanding of true piety. Which of Kierkegaard’s two models best describes this thinker’s view?

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Evolution of the Human Biocultural Adaptive Strategy

Your Final Exam is a diagram and a narrative essay* to be titled Evolution of the Human Biocultural Adaptive Strategy. You may include a subtitle if you are inclined to be creative, but this is not required.
This should be a polished, proofread diagram and paper.
DIAGRAM: Create a feedback loop to demonstrate the human adaptive strategy. You can create this diagram digitally or freehand. Your diagram must be clearly legible and polished in either case.
DIAGRAM: The feedback loop should include at least Fifteen (15) factors**, including biological and cultural factors (as well as, of course, those that are both- biocultural factors). Each factor should be labeled with one of the following abbreviations:***
Shared with all mammals (Mammalian Adaptive Strategy/ M)
Shared with all primates (Primate Adaptive Strategy/ P)
Shared with all hominins (Hominin Adaptive Strategy/ Hom)
Shared with Genus Homo (Genus Homo Adaptive Strategy/ GH)
Uniquely Human (Homo sapien Adaptive Strategy/ HS)
ESSAY: Choose ONE of the factors on your feedback loop, and write a 600-850 word “story” explaining your ideas about how this characteristic evolved (or not) in TWO different species of hominin. How has this factor influenced the evolution of hominin adaptive strategies?
ESSAY: Your narrative essay should be creative, brave, and solidly grounded in evidence and other course material.
The word count applies to the essay section only- not the diagram or the works cited.
Make sure your essay addresses feedback, and how the factor you have chosen to focus on is related to at least two other factors on your feedback loop.
The essay is to include at least three (3) clear references to course material (readings, lectures, discussions, films). You do not need full MLA or APA citations, as all material has been provided in class. Just be sure to give me enough information so that I can check your reference if I need to.
The essay must include a works cited.
Do not use any material from outside this course.

*A narrative essay is another way of saying a story. Think of the “stories” I have told you in class, like the one about the moon and symbolic thinking.
**We have covered more than 15 factors. Choose the factors you feel are most significant to the Human Adaptive Strategy. Be sure to include at least two factors from each category (a, b, c, d, and e).
***Please indicate if any factors are characteristics that have evolved along with us. For example, if you are including Brain Size as a factor, you would say that it began as P/evolved tremendously in GH/ and is maximized in HS. Use whatever verbage, code, or shorthand you like, but please DO clarify any factors that overlap different adaptive strategies and /or have evolved with us.

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Ethics In Health

HLTH 155 – Ethics In Health

Purpose: This signature assignment is designed to teach you several major ethical viewpoints, and how they relate to choices and viewpoints expressed in the health field.  Throughout this assignment you will examine not only your own but others ethical points of view on a health issue of your choice. This assignment will be included in your degree portfolio through Taskstream.

Project: Ethics in Health Narrated Powerpoint

·         Narrated Powerpoint – 3-4 minutes in length (end time must be between 3:00 and 4:59)

1.       There is a tutorial on how to make a narrated powerpoint on Bb in the Ethics Project folder

·         You will create a narrated powerpoint that will be handed in on Bb over Ethics in Health.  In this project you can pick any of the topics we have discussed in this course and create a personal reflection paper that includes the following:

1.       What is the health topic you picked? Why is it a moral topic?

2.       Briefly state what each of the discussed ethical viewpoints (all seven of them) would say about the topic

3.       Examine your own personal ethical view on the topic of choice

§  What is your view on the topic? Why?

§  What ethical viewpoint do you personally relate to the most?

§  What are some potential problems with your personal ethical view on this issue? You will need to refer back to the cons of the ethical viewpoint that is closest to your own

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Stratification Term Paper

Stratification Term Paper:
Write a five page paper discussing how my family’s position in the stratification system has directly impacted my life chances, socialization and sense of self. After reading the chapters on social stratification, poverty, race/ethnicity and gender, you will discuss the relationship between stratification and life chances. Include in your discussion your parents’ and grandparents’ social statuses (e.g., educational status, immigration status, occupations, racial/ethnic identity). Tell about how race and gender issues have impacted your family. Example;if you are white, how has your race impacted your life chances? How has gender inequality impacted the life chances of your mother, grandmother, and/or you? Include in your discussion an intelligent application of a minimum of 5 of the following terms HIGHLIGHT them in bold:looking glass self,stratification,gender role,gender socialization,status,stereo types,conflict theory.

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Why teachers should not be paid based on the performance of their students.

1. Write a position paper supporting the assigned debate topic and position of why teachers should not be paid based on the performance of their students.
2. Only the reputable scholarly sources can be used and must be cited. (e.g. books, newspaper articles, research journals, government agencies, or association articles.
3. Works should be cited within the text (APA)
4. Works cited and title page are not part of the page count.

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Strategic Hospitality Management

A 4 slides presentation on investing in the Rezidor Hotel group. I have to present as a consultant and sell the company.I have added 1 extra slide to put a conclusion to why this group should be invested in. Please also add notes for me to read in the presentation as for every slide thank you. Just to clarify again 4 slide presentation on rezidor hotel group only and why to invest in it which is the last slide.

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Saturday, 12 March 2016

Why Mass Incarceration Matters: Rethinking Crisis, Decline, and Transformation in Postwar American History

Please write a four-five page, double-spaced essay on the following topic:

This assignment is an analysis of an academic article, Heather Ann Thompson's "Why Mass Incarceration Matters: Rethinking Crisis, Decline, and Transformation in Postwar American History." Please read the assignment instructions carefully before starting to read the article. It is a challenging read, so please give yourself plenty of time to work on the assignment.

Your essay will begin with an introductory paragraph discussing the scope and context of the article. This means a brief explanation of the time frame and subject area of the article.

There are three main sections of Thompson's article: "Mass Incarceration and the Origins of the Urban Crisis," "Mass Incarceration and the Decline of the American Labor Movement," and "Mass Incarceration and the Rise of the Right in Postwar America." Your essay will contain one paragraph on each of these sections, explaining Thompson's argument in your own words.

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Financial Management case study

1. You are required to complete the assessment outlined below and submit your completed final document through the RKC Online Campus by the end of Unit 6. Your grade will be based 100% on this final document, to which you will also receive written feedback.
2. In addition you must upload part of your draft of the above document by the end of Unit 3 (see Interim Assignment, below). This draft will not be graded, but you will receive feedback on your submission and it is an important way for you to monitor your progress.
3. Please ask any questions about the interim assignment and final assessment in the Forum.

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Final Assessment
The final assessment is as follows.
You have been asked by your 60 year old uncle Carlos to help him assess a new venture. It is Friday night, and he needs the work finished by Sunday, in preparation for an early Monday morning meeting, so you know that he will not be able to give you any more information than he already has (and you will be unable to contact him over the weekend), and therefore you may need to rely on your own assumptions and estimates for some of the analysis.
Carlos lives in San José, Costa Rica, and recently took early retirement (from a company he joined 35 years ago), and left the company with a lump sum (tax paid) payment of 240 million Costa Rican Colón (CRC). Surprisingly, rather than being depressed by his new state of independence, he is tired of corporate life and excitedly contemplating a new career as a retailer of a range of gourmet chocolates. He is confident that he can set up a business to import chocolates from Switzerland and sell them in Costa Rica. Even though Costa Rica grows cacao, there is a thriving market for foreign chocolate within the country. Carlos’ wife, who he met at business school in the USA, is pleased with his passion for this possible new venture, but concerned that it might turn into a financial disaster. She has suggested that he develop a financial plan to evaluate the venture and its viability.
After a couple of hours with Carlos you have assembled the following information from him:
- EigerChoc SA (owned by a classmate from university), an established manufacturer of fine Swiss chocolates, is prepared to give him exclusive rights to sell their products in Costa Rica for a five year period in exchange for an upfront payment for the rights;
- The chocolates retail in Switzerland for an average of CHF 60 per kilogramme, and EigerChoc is prepared to sell the chocolate to Carlos at a 40% discount to this price;
- EigerChoc would ship to Carlos on receipt of payment for each order;
- Carlos has found out that freight from Switzerland via air courier would cost on average CHF 7 per kg and that the time from him placing an order to receiving the goods in San José would be three weeks (including the factory time in Switzerland);
- Carlos plans to order from Switzerland monthly (to maximise the shelf life in Costa Rica) and intends to maintain a minimum stock of four weeks’ worth of sales to ensure that he will be able to supply a suitable range of products to customers;
- He will buy a special refrigerator at a cost of 2.3 million keep the products in good condition, and has found a small industrial room he can rent nearby at a cost of 250,000 CRC per month (payable monthly in advance, plus an initial three month deposit);
- Carlos will sell the products throughout Costa Rica by internet only, and is planning to spend 1.1 million CRC with a website designer to develop the site;
- He has already spent 1.8 million CRC on a market study that told him that once established, demand would be about 500 kg a month, although in the first year sales would start at only 200 kg in the first month before building up slowly to the full level at the end of the first year;
- The above study assumed an average selling price of 40,000 CRC per kg (ignore any impact of sales taxes in your calculations);
- Packaging and shipping in Costa Rica would average 1,500 CRC per kg, and Carlos is not intending to charge that to the customer;
- All sales would be by credit card only, with the credit card company taking 0.5% per sale and remitting the monthly balance to Carlos five days after the end of each calendar month;
- He believes that one person could run the operation at a total cost (including social charges) of 310,000 CRC per month;
- Carlos has found out that, if necessary, he could borrow up to an additional 50 million CRC at 6% p.a.;

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- Carlos’ marginal tax rate on investment or earned income is 30%, payable one year in arrears; he has also told you that he can invest any available cash for a return after tax of 3% per annum.
Andrew also has a friend, Luciana, who runs a small chain of delicatessens in the San José area. Luciana is interested in the venture and she has suggested that if it goes ahead Carlos could package chocolates in boxes decorated with views of Switzerland, and she would commit to buy one hundred boxes per month (each containing 550 gm of chocolates) from him (which would be in addition to the internet sales outlined above, and would start immediately), at a price of 10,500 CRC each. To do this Andrew would need to buy-in boxes and wrapping paper at a price of 600 CRC per box and hire an assistant specifically to pack and deliver the boxes, at an additional cost of 90,000 CRC per month.
Carlos remembers discussions on discounted cash flow analysis at business school (although he admits that he did not fully understand it, unlike his wife who was a distinction student). He has asked you to prepare an analysis while he is away to help him with the decision, making clear any assumptions that you make; the analysis should not exceed 4,000 words (excluding the content of exhibits, headings, etc), or a total of 30 pages (everything included), and should include:
- A summary of all assumptions and estimates that you have made for your analysis, including justifications where appropriate;
- A break even analysis;
- A Balance Sheet at start-up (to show the initial capital) and at the end of the first year
- A Profit and Loss Statement for the first and second years;
- Monthly cash flow for the first year of operation;
- Annual cash flow thereafter;
- A clear explanation, in plain English, of how much cash the venture will need to get started;
- Any sensitivity analysis that you think would be helpful;
- The most that Carlos could offer EigerChoc as an upfront fee for the exclusive rights for the five year period which would leave him no better or worse off than if he did not undertake the venture, and the amount you suggest he should actually offer them;
- Conclusions and recommendations;
- A critical reflection of the analysis that Carlos has asked you to prepare – what, if anything, would you do differently in a financial analysis of this opportunity, and why?
Carlos has explained that he is going to be out of town for a wedding so will be unable to provide any assistance at all, but as he pointed out before leaving “you should find this easy with computers and the internet to help”.
Your report should demonstrate skills of critical reflection, effective communication and balanced judgement; note that this is not a market report.
Scripts that are excessively long (i.e. exceeding the word or page limit) will not be read beyond that point. Do not put your name on the paper.
The overall structure should be as follows:
1. Cover Page (1 page)
2. Table of Contents/List of Exhibits (1 page)
3. Executive Summary
4. Main Report (within the 4,000 word limit as above)
5. Exhibits (if any)
6. List of references.
The data in your answer should be clearly laid out in tabular format so that your approach and answer are both plainly evident.
Submissions should be machine readable and in MS-Word format only; submit only one file, and include any Excel analysis as images, not embedded files.
Grading will be based on the following breakdown:
- Assumptions, estimates and sensitivity analysis: 20%
- Cash flow and DCF analysis: 25%
- Other financial details (break even, balance sheet, etc): 30%
- Critical reflection: 15%
- Referencing and presentation: 10%

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Friday, 11 March 2016

Community Problem and Population Analysis

Students will research a community need affecting a specific community that the student chooses. The assessment must include the neighborhood directly impacted by the need. Student will address the problem, population, and arena. Student must incorporate textbook course material and questions (1-8) in their paper."

1. Area/neighborhood being assessed? Tyler, Tx

2. What are the names of one agency already addressing the need?

3. What need(s) do they address? adult ed

4. What target population (demographics) do they serve?

5. What is their mission statement?

6. What activities or programs do they provide to meet the needs of their mission? Provide details of each program

7. How many people are on their staff?

8. What is the estimated annual budget of the agency?

Please use the website: LCOTYLER.ORG to answer the above.

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Thursday, 10 March 2016

Which of the Utopias would you rather live in? Compare and Contrast essay

Write an 8-10 page, double-spaced, 12 pt. type paper on the following topic:
Which of the utopias of Callenbach, Forrest, or Thomas would you rather live in? (None of the above is not an option.) Explain why. Do you know anyone who would prefer a different one? If so, explain why; if not, imagine someone who would prefer a different one, and explain why. Then, make suggestions as to how to make your preferred utopia even better, and what the objections to your changes would be. (If you think your preferred utopia could not be made better in any way, refute the objections someone might have to various elements of it.)

Provide detailed evaluations of why you think your preferred utopia is better than the others and why the other person thinks theirs is better, and what is wrong with the other utopias for both of you.

(Keep in mind that you are trying to show your familiarity with the texts, so make sure to give balanced coverage to the pros and cons of each of them.)

Citations should be in parentheses:
Callenbach refers to “destructive male attitudes” (91).
In Ecotopia they try to… (Callenbach 121).

The citations and proof for argument need to be from the 3 books below:
1. Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach
2. Katherine V. Forrest, Daughters of a Coral Dawn
(Alyson Books, 2002) 3-35, 73-96, 102-131, 148-149.
3. Scarlett Thomas, PopCo (Harcourt, 2005) 3-99, 194-255, 370-462.

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Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

Assignment 2. Question 2: Using either Porter’s generic strategies or the Strategy Clock, identify examples of organisations following strategies of differentiation, low cost or low price, and stuck-in-the middle or hybrid. How successful are these strategies?
Possible structure: Introduction
Definition of Porter's generic strategies
Examples of organisations following different strategies (apply porter's generic strategies)
Discussion how successful they are: profitability, sales, etc.
What are the pros and cons of each strategy

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The Ascent of Money

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World Video from Harvard Economic Historian (Brit) Niall Ferguson. The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World by Niall Ferguson Epsd. 1-5 (Full Documentary) 4 hours total- Please watch (need to watch only first 35 minutes only for this full 5% extra credit) (Filmed on location in Italy, Great Britain, and throughout the world!)-(includes origins of banking)

YouTube URL: (first 35 minutes)

Please write about 5 paragraphs discussing this series. (first 35 minutes) In addition to provide full answers for these numbered questions:

1. Where and how exactly does Prof. Ferguson describe how the word “bank” come into being.

2. How does the operations of the Medici family bank sound similar to the Rothshchild family bank?

3. What can we learn from this part of the series for today’s economics? In other words, what economic and political similarities do we have in today’s

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Civil Litigation Process

Instructions: The paper should use the movie A Civil Action and the articles “Considering a Civil Action” and “Java Jive” as the basis for explaining how the film and two articles informs us about problems associated with the civil litigation process. You will find the video in Lesson 12 about Liebeck v. McDonalds, which deals with the “Java Jive” case, helpful in thinking about the issues in this assignment. I posted an announcement that contains some ideas to consider as you prepare your paper.

As usual, this paper must be between 5 and 8 pages, 300 words per page double spaced etc.

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Role of Special Interest Groups

Write a analysis on ONE of the following issues in which you identify and discuss the role of special interest groups on the creation of policy related to public safety and civil rights.

Gun Rights
Death Penalty
Gay Marriage
Hate Crimes
Workplace Conditions

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The experience economy

It is essential for service organisations to gain competitive advantage. This is often done through differentiation. The experience economy presents a form of differentiation for the service industry. It allows organisations the opportunity of creating and providing unique experiences that customers have come to value. This can be the source of competitive advantage.

Two areas of opportunity to create unique experiences are through the services strategies of 'physical evidence ' and through 'process' .

You need to discuss these two strategies and give examples of how the Hospitality industry creating new and innovative experiences using these ideas.

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Select a television program that you know contains a social inequality or social class theme (e.g. racism, sexism, social class categories).
Prepare a 5 - 7 slide PowerPoint analysis with speaker notes of the program in which you complete the following:
Provide a brief introduction that includes the program's title, describes the type of program, and explains which social theme you are addressing.
Describe and explain scenes that apply to the social theme.
Aside from verbal language, identify all observed body language, facial expressions, gestures, posture stances, modes of dress, nonverbal cues, symbols, and any other means by which inequalities are displayed.
Explain your interpretation of the meanings of the identified nonverbal communications and symbolism.
Summarize how these interpretations are important to the sociological understanding of your chosen social inequality or social class theme.
Provide a conclusion that summarizes the key points in your analysis.

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Hypothetical case United States v. Bates

The paper for lesson 11 should be a detailed summary and analysis of the Supreme Court precedents concerning congress' power to regulate interstate commerce discussed in the hypothetical case United States v. Bates. Bates discusses Wickard v. Filburn, United States v. Darby, Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States, and several other Supreme Court decisions. These and other relevant cases are found in the text book chapter dealing with the commerce power. How do each of these relate to the problem and issues raised in Bates? Which ones seem most relevant to how the Court should decide the Bates case? This paper should be a minimum of 5 pages. It must be written in Word, double spaced, 12 font, about 300 words per page and thus a minimum total of 1,500 words not including name, title, references etc.

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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Climate Change Discovery

Choose a significant discovery in the field of climate change research and explain how that discovery shaped the current climate change theories. Describe in detail the researchers, their background, the political, and cultural aspects of the time period during which the discovery occurred.

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Infectious Disease

Choose one of the following diseases for your paper:
• Tuberculosis
• Influenza (bird flu, swine flu, or general viral strain)
• Chickenpox or shingles
• Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
• Clostridium difficile (C. diff)
• Hepatitis B
• Rotavirus
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper exploring aspects of the disease. Include the following information:
• Explain the inflammatory response.
• Describe the disease, how it is transmitted, and the environmental factors that may make someone vulnerable to it.
• Identify standard and alternative treatments.
• Describe the methods used to control the spread of the disease and the consequences of not controlling it.
• Identify community health promotion and wellness strategies to help prevent the disease.
Include at least two sources other than the text.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Post your paper as an attachment.

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Article Critique Instructions

Instructions for Writing: This assignment is meant to be a formal and scientific paper, therefore it should be free of grammatical mistakes, typos, and informal language. Students are encouraged to write their paper in a similar format to other published articles and can locate examples online through the library database. Students may also refer to the APA publication manual or Purdue OWL (link provided above) to ensure they are writing clearly and professionally. Students may wish to use the sub-headers Summary and Critique in their papers, but this should be formatted in APA style. The written content of the paper must include both the summary and critique, but the summary must not comprise more than 50% of the paper, i.e. if the total length is two full pages of writing, the summary should not take up more than the first page. Paper must include a title page and a references page compatible with APA style (please see the example APA style paper on Blackboard), however these pages do not count towards length requirement. The paper must address all of the points in the below rubric for full points. Additionally, plagiarism, high match rates and grammar errors can also contribute to reduction in points or a zero for the assignment and disciplinary action if warranted. Finally, students must upload a PDF of their article to the designated Turn-it-in folder. Students are encouraged to submit their paper to the writing center for help with language and grammar. If you need help with APA style, please use the above link, the APA manual, or seek help from the T.A. or instructor(1. Summary and 2. Critique). The summary must not comprise more than 50% of the paper.Rubric:

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 Uploaded a scientific peer-reviewed article: o Article must be empirical
o Article must be from approved journals
o Article must relate to a course topic  Correct APA Citations:
 Free of typos and contains proper grammar:
 Summary (Should not be more than half the paper)
o Describes the main topic and why it’s an issue: o Quicklysummarizeliterature:
o Described the main hypotheses:
o Described the sample in detail:
o Described measures and procedure:
 Discuss reliability and validity
o Briefly mention how data was analyzed
o Lists limitations as cited by the author:  Critique
o Offer a general conclusion about the article: o Critique specifics of the article
 Appropriate stats/ methodology used?
 Are results clear?
 Is the interpretation appropriate?
 Are the generalizations consistent with results?
 What about uncontrolled or confounding variables?
o List 2 strengths of the study:
o List 2 additional limitations:
o Explain what might be done in future research o How can the field address the limitations?
Total Points:
5 points
5 points 5 points
2 points 2 points 2 points 3 points 3 points
2 points 2 points
2 points 5 points
4 points 4 points 2 points 2 points
50 points

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Blood Disorders

Read each of the following three scenarios:
• Lily, a 4-year-old Caucasian female, has she been complaining of being tired all the time. She is pale and is a picky eater. Her mother is a single mom with a small budget to feed a large family. Lily eats only pasta, breads, and hot dogs, and she drinks only artificial fruit punch. Lily has iron deficiency anemia.
• Davon is a 5-year-old African American male who has just moved to Chicago, and he is visiting his new pediatrician for a kindergarten physical. His mother tells the nurse that she carries the sickle cell trait and wants Davon screened for it. Davon may have the sickle cell trait.
• Spencer has noted over the past several weeks that he is having more bruises, or ecchymosis, all over his body. After coughing this morning, he noticed tiny red marks all around his eyes. Spencer has thrombocytopenia.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that provides details about the condition afflicting each child:.
• Explain the purpose of plasma, red blood cells, and platelets.
• Describe the cause of each disorder.
• Compare each patient’s symptoms with the symptoms used in diagnosis.
• Explain how each patient can prevent the disease in the future, if possible. If the disease cannot be prevented, explain why.
Include at least two sources other than the text.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

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International Political Economy Final Paper

Choose only one of the following questions to research. Use as many sources as possible. When you tackle whichever question please focus on qualitative methods more than quantitative

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1. Why do international investors lend to sovereign governments? Why do governments usually pay them back? Explicate repeat play, issue linkage, and reputation answers for these two questions. Compare and contrast the theories with reference to empirical evidence. Comment on the strength of the empirical evidence in the literature and suggest future extensions. Explore the question historically.
2. A central debate in IPE focuses on the domestic political effects of international trade. Ronald Rogowski draws on the Heckscher-Olin and Stolper-Samuelson theorems to argue that domestic political cleavages regarding trade policy are class-based. According to him, in most countries, trade politics are shaped by the conflict between business and labor. An alternative approach challenges the factor mobility assumption in Rogowski’s model, claiming instead that international trade tends to divide societies along sectoral lines. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these two society-centered approaches to trade politics. How useful are these arguments in explaining contemporary trade politics in the United States, Europe, or Latin America? Can theories that focus on political institutions do better at explaining trade policymaking?

3. The creation of the Bretton Woods monetary regime in 1944 has been viewed as “history’s first example of a fully negotiated order intended to govern monetary relations among sovereign states.” Discuss the origins and main features of the Bretton Woods system and explain the confluence of factors contributing to the collapse of the gold convertibility and of the fixed exchange rate system in the early 1970s. How has global monetary governance and order evolved since then? According to some, what has evolved since the 1970s is “little more than a non-system bordering on anarchy if not chaos.” Do you agree? What are the main advantages and shortcoming of this non-system? How effective has the current framework of global monetary governance been in promoting international coordination and cooperation? Discuss in reference to recent events in the international monetary system, including the 2008 global financial meltdown, and recent calls for a new global standard in response to emerging tensions over currency values.

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