Wednesday, 19 July 2017

The essential elements of public Health theory and practice

Reflect on this and justify further recommendations in a region/country familiar to them.

Assessment module learning outcomes 1 and 2.

1) Discuss and critically reflect on essential elements of public health theory and practice in relation to a population in their own region/country with those of a population in a different region/country.

2) Propose further recommendations to an identified global health issue in relation to a region/country with which they are familiar.


The following guidelines will help to write an assignment which fully meet learning outcomes 1 and 2 and the assessment criteria.

you will produce 3850 word essay excluding references which meets learning outcome 1 and 2 and is underpinned by the ability to be able to critically analyse and reflect, rather than to just describe. this is essay style writing.

You should provide INTRODUCTION to the essay which focusses on what the essay is about, provide context and responds to the essay title.

The introduction will inform the reader/marker about the content of the essay (250 words).


Involves using the essential elements of public health theory and practice and critically comparing and analysing two activities/programmes to improve public health in different regions/countries of the world. You will reflect on this and justify further recommendations in a region/country familiar to you.


Identify the TWO programmes and what public issue they are responding to.

Show understanding of public health issues, How issue relates to determinants of health in society, How issue is responded to in public health practice (and other health practice if relevant), How that reflects models of public health , How issue and response relate to structures/ systems in public health (eg Government, NGO, Local bodies, professions).

Compare the TWO programmes as above, compare effectiveness (show evidence) including factors determining effectiveness.

-Consider options for recommendations

-Consider where comparison points to in terms of recommendations

-Consider other arguments for recommendations

-Make recommendations

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