This assignment will be fun. One of the most common tasks performed
by Safety Professionals or the Industrial Hygienist is observation. We
will begin to use what we have learned in this course as well as in
other safety courses and apply it to an everyday work assignment--not
your own--
Pick out one of the checklists from the text which you believe would
be appropriate for the activity you will observe. You may use a portion
of a checklist or portions of several checklists--whatever will work
for your situation. I expect you will find many ergonomic problems in
every workplace, and your work on this project should reflect this.
Visit with management of the establishment. Explain that you have a
course assignment and ask for permission to observe an employee.
Explain additionally that you will be writing a report to your
instructor about what you observe. Your report will identify ergonomic
adequacies and inadequacies as revealed by the checklist you have
chosen. Take a copy of the report to management so they can see what
you will be looking for. Explain that no other use of the report will
be made--this is only a class assignment.
Your final report should contain the checklist(s) you used as well
as an opening paragraph describing what you are observing and a closing
paragraph which will summarize your report. As was stated in the
Management Report instructions, your use of the English language counts.
If you have any doubt about your writing skill, you may have another
instructor, a friend, your significant other, or me look over your paper
and make suggestions.
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