In your essay, you are supposed to pick an Indigenous nation (Cree, Algonquins, etc…) or community (Kitigan Zibi, Dokis First Nation etc…). You are then to write about their experiences with a specific form(s) of settler colonial nation-building. What issues have they identified? What were there relations with Canada in the past? How has this impacted current relations? So, for example, one of you is working on the creation of a dam which flooded Akwesasne lands, and the impact on the community. Someone else is working on Shannen’s Dream and Attawapiskat. Another one of you is looking at settler-colonial marriage laws/expectations and the impact on Navajo marriage law today. These are acceptable already chosen topics.
Because this is only a 6-8 page paper, be mindful that you will have to narrow your focus down quite a bit to fit the constraints of the paper length.
For grading, I will be looking for all of the requirements listed. I will also be looking for clarity, at least four appropriate strong academic sources, formatting/spelling/grammar—the usual requirements for an academic essay.
Your essay proposal will include a 1-2 page outline of your proposed topic, along with 1-2 page annotated bibliography of four academic sources. You must have a tentative thesis statement included, as well as a tentative outline of your topics. Your final paper will outline an Indigenous community or nation’s encounter with colonial nation-building projects. In this proposal, you must identify the community you will focus on, and identity and analyze specific colonial nation-building projects that they have and are facing.
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