Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Pick three products to analyze and write a 250 word paper.

Pick three products to analyze and write a 250 word paper. Picture yourself as a product analyst working in a consulting firm. Your job is to evaluate where various products are on the product life cycle curve. Pick three products with the following characteristics: Product 1 - has been around forever with little change Product 2 - released relatively recently, perhaps in the last 2-3 years Product 3 - released very recently, in the last 2-3 months You must pick products from three different industries (for example, they cannot all come from high tech/computer sector). Analyze how the characteristics of the target audience affect the marketing of the three products, and speculate on the products' adoption rates and processes. -For each product, describe the characteristics of who the product is targeted for. Be sure to state your reasons clearly. -How do the characteristics of the target market affect the marketing efforts?

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